Sunday, November 06, 2005

Bugsy Tailing the Terminator

Check it out. Beatty's going to have to get off the pot if he wants to challenge Arnold. The "I'm only a concerned citizen" angle is a little hard to buy when a whack of cameras follow his every move. He's not going to be able to fully leverage his celebrity unless he commits.

A Schwarzenegger aide told the "Bulworth" star he was not on the guest list and did not have the appropriate wristband to get inside.

"You have to have a wristband to listen to the governor?" Bening asked. "He represents all of us, right?"


"There's the main event, then there is the sideshow," Schwarzenegger said. "I don't care about the sideshow."
Arnold's got a point. Everyone knows Beatty's a political animal - go for the main event Warren.

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