Monday, November 21, 2005

Phosphorus Fiasco

The New York Times reports more PR bungling by an administration that used to be famous for staying on message. At issue is an Italian documentary alleging the use of white phosphorus in Fallujah. There is plenty that can be refuted, but sketchy damage control has given the story sturdier legs. Cut to the bottom line—$Q:

In the face of such evidence, the Bush administration made an embarrassing public reversal last week. Pentagon spokesmen admitted that white phosphorus had been used directly against Iraqi insurgents. "It's perfectly legitimate to use this stuff against enemy combatants," Colonel Venable said Friday.

While he said he could not rule out that white phosphorus hit some civilians, "U.S. and coalition forces took extraordinary measures to prevent civilian casualties in Falluja."

Should have said so in the first place.

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