Questions from Iraq
![]() Q (Through interpreter.) Radah al-Zawi (sp) from the Iraqi Television. Sorry to get you back to the past. In the military operations in Fallujah on November last year, there have been some reports about the American forces using phosphorous bombs against the civilians in Fallujah, and the media talked about that. And now, five days ago, an Italian news agency reported this news, according to admissions and confessions of American military who confessed that they used these weapons. In reaction to photos of Iraqis burnt by these weapons, the Pentagon denied this and said that these -- this information is misleading. But the pictures cannot lie. How can you reply to this? This is the first question. I have another question. Q (Through interpreter.) There are some American military soldiers who confessed they used these weapons. Every day we hear about a Zarqawi lieutenant being captured or a number of al Qaeda members captured. Can you tell us, please, aren't you capable of knowing how many lieutenants Zarqawi has? If really you have captured these -- and I have no doubt that you have captured them -- why don't you put them on TV? Q (Through interpreter.) (Name and affiliation inaudible.) For how long the terrorist actions will continue in this country, not only in one place? Are you able to keep law and order in Iraq according to Geneva Conventions? Q (Through interpreter.) Asafa Mousa (ph) from Al Iraq Al Hurrh (ph). After Iron Curtain, will you be able to secure the Iraqi- Syrian borders? Are there any other military operations other than this operation? Q ...[second question] The Iraqi forces are targeted more than the American forces. How did you help the Iraqi army, as you do for the American soldiers? We see a difference in arming these forces to enable them to combat terrorism. Q (Through interpreter.) You talked about the Iraqi security forces taking more responsibility. When do you expect these forces to assume their full responsibilities? And what about the news about -- that 2007 will be the beginning to hand over responsibility to the Iraqi forces? Q (Through interpreter.) Ahmed Jamil (sp) from Al-Sharqiya. Many military operations which you have carried out, especially in troubled areas, but when you announced the end of these military operations, the insurgents came back to these areas as if these insurgents have got more strength. Now, what's wrong with this operation? When the military operations came to an end, the insurgents came back to these areas. |
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