Friday, December 02, 2005

Latest on Rove from NYT

A NYT article this morning ( though Firedoglake, C&L, and Talk Left beat them to the punch) reveals how Viveca Novak fits into the Plamegate investigation. It's not as murky and arcane as it sounds—rough timeline:

  • Rove testifies about a meeting with Robert Novak, mentions nothing about a conversation with Matthew Cooper

  • Viveca Novak (no relation) tips off Rove camp that Cooper will be testifying about his conversation with Rove

  • Rove "remembers" Cooper conversation and testifies again

Fitzgerald made it clear at his press conference that motivation and state of mind are determining factors in his decisions to indict. The upshot—Rove could be in trouble if:
  • He was asked but didn't tell the truth about how he came to "remember" the Cooper conversation

  • Fitzgerald believes Rove came forward because he had absolutely no choice - not because he wanted to clear the record

If Rove was candid with the grand jury about the role of Viveca Novak it's difficult to see why Fitzgerald is pursuing this angle so late in the game. It sounds like the Special Prosecutor is bolstering a case for perjury.

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