Thursday, January 05, 2006

Whistleblower Comes Forward

From the Washington Times, via Drudge. Russ Tice has come forward and offered to testify before Congress. $Q:
"I intend to report to Congress probable unlawful and unconstitutional acts conducted while I was an intelligence officer with the National Security Agency and with the Defense Intelligence Agency,"
The article mentions he was dismissed by the NSA last year, which means the republican angle will be somewhere along the lines of 'disgruntled employee pursues vendetta and recklessly endangers national security'. If James Risen is correct there are many more sources—it's imperative more come forward so that Mr.Tice doesn't have to bear the brunt of the Joe Wilson/Cindy Sheehan/Richard Clarke treatment for having the courage to go on record against an abusive and vindictive presidency.

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