Friday, April 21, 2006

Crescendo in Musical Criticism Against Bush

Feels like a tipping point has been reached as more influencial musicians are finally taking a stand against the abuses of the failing administration. Check out this clip from Pink, an amazing song. No artlessly obvious "Bush Lied" diatribe here--rather a blistering indictment of the man's essential obliviousness to the effects of his failures.

Dixie Chicks deserve all the props for having the courage to be first, when anti-Iraq Disaster meant anti-America. Now the equation has flipped and their views are the majority.

Neil Young's new release is eagerly anticipated, and even Flea has said his piece. This ain't the usual suspects in the Hollywood crowd. Good music's always had an intangible integrity that silences all criticism in a way that film cannot. These people make their living by tapping into the sentiments coursing through both themselves and the electorate. And their latest is a wonderful sign that the country has finally woken up.

Late yes, but hopefully not too late.

Comments on "Crescendo in Musical Criticism Against Bush"


Blogger Poechewe said ... (3:58 AM) : 

Great list.

I notice also that more and more blogs are doing anti-war poems on Fridays.


Blogger Hippoclites said ... (11:44 PM) : 

Thanks for the tip poechewe. Looking forward to checking some of them out.



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