Sunday, November 06, 2005

Cheney Fights for Torture

In secret of course. From Newsweek:
Staffers were quickly ordered out of the room—what Cheney had to say was for senators only. Normally taciturn, Cheney was uncharacteristically impassioned, according to two GOP senators who did not want to be on the record about a private meeting. He was very upset over the Senate's overwhelming passage of an amendment that prohibits inhumane treatment of terrorist detainees.
Looks to be an uphill battle for him. Imagine trying to run in '06 as the pro-torture candidate. And Cheney's creeping onto Fitzgerald's radar isn't going to help his drag either.

The whole argument points up how far things have gone awry. Lawmakers having to explicitly say no torture allowed? Always thought it was the default case in a civilized nation.

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