Saturday, November 12, 2005

White House Levees Need Shoring?

From the WSJ's Washington Wire:
Six in 10, including 43% of Republicans, say there should be a public investigation and hearings into exposure of operative Valerie Plame's identity.
Translation: 43% of Republicans don't buy the right wing talk angle that it's all about Wilson. They want the facts out in the open. Is Plamegate touching base, so to speak?

This doesn't bode well for an administration whose sole PR strategy has been to use the "ongoing investigation" excuse as a dam to keep the public uninformed. They know it will eventually crash down when Fitzgerald finishes his work, so they're already laying new mortar with the "ongoing trial" excuse. If the calls for a public investigation mount their levee system will be overwhelmed in short order.

Comments on "White House Levees Need Shoring?"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:09 PM) : 

Whoever was involved in the public ID of Plame didn't have any qualms about tossing her into the limelight; turnabout is fair play -there should be a public investigation.

Besides, who'd want to work with or across the aisle from persons who'd reveal the name of an operative, placing her life and the lives of unknown numbers of colleagues at risk?

I don't get it. What's spooking the remaining 57% of Republicans?


Blogger Hippoclites said ... (3:23 PM) : 


Think it's less spook than spin. The angle they're hearing from Rush, Hannity, etc.. minimizes the gravity and tries to steer everything towards Wilson.

I think Fitz's cred has helped counter that enormously. (43%!?)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:25 PM) : 

Due credit to the 43% of Republicans calling for a public investigation.

Hopefully Fitz's cred. will assist the remaining 57% in recalling that leaking classified information, under any administration, is a grave offence against all citizens/the country - the public.

If all those responsible are not identified and held to account in a public investigation -- how is anyone to trust that this will not happen again?


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