Monday, November 21, 2005

Yes on Your Watch

Bloomberg reports Iraqi leaders have urged that a timetable be set for the withdrawal of coalition troops. $Q:
In a final statement, read by Arab League chief Amre Moussa, host of the three-day summit, they called for the withdrawal of foreign troops according to a timetable, through putting in place an immediate national program to rebuild the armed forces.

A delicate situation for the President. It flies in the face of everything he's been saying, but if he ignores the request it's a tacit acknowledgement the coalition forces are occupiers.

But there's something even more worrisome buried at the bottom of the article:
The final statement also stated that "resistance is a legitimate right for all people." The conference almost collapsed earlier today when Sunni leaders objected to the definition of "resistance," al-Jazeera said.

"Terrorism is not legitimate resistance and thus we condemn terrorism and the acts of violence, killings and kidnappings that target Iraqi citizens; civil, governmental and humanitarian organizations; national wealth and houses of worships," the leaders said in the statement.

Note the glaring absence of the coalition forces in the laundry list of caveats.

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