Sunday, December 04, 2005

Hillary Clinton in Kentucky

From WaPo. Sen. Clinton continues to finesse her way around her support for the war. $Q:
"The time has come for the administration to stop serving up platitudes and present a plan for finishing this war with success and honor," she said. "I reject a rigid timetable that the terrorists can exploit, and I reject an open timetable that has no ending attached to it.

"Instead, I think we need a plan for winning and concluding this war, and the president can begin by taking responsibilities for the false assurances, faulty evidence and mismanagement of this war."

"I reject...I reject...I think"—bit of a twist on Descartes, and a good illustration of the difficulties she's facing in trying to have it both ways. Before calling on the administration to concede their mistakes, it would be honorable for her to lead by example and admit that her judgement on the issue has been dead wrong from the beginning.

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