Monday, December 12, 2005

Pope Joins War on Christmas?

It must seem that way to the folks at Fox who invented the controversy. According to My Way, Pope Benedict called for a more personal and meaningful celebration. $Q:
In today's consumer society, this time of the year unfortunately suffers from a sort of commercial "pollution" that threatens to alter its real spirit," the Pope told a large crowd gathered in St. Peter's Square to hear his weekly Angelus blessing.
But this commercial pollution is exactly what O'Reilly, Hannity and Gibson are advocating. They believe Christmas is under attack if the government and retail corporations take a more subtle tone by using the word "Holiday" instead of "Christmas". The Pope quite rightly reminded the faithful that sober personal celebrations are in order, not a barrage of exploitative consumerism.

Comments on "Pope Joins War on Christmas?"


Blogger DocAnt said ... (1:11 AM) : 

The Pope was always on the War against Christmas. It's just that John Paul didn't say much. It's not a surprise to me at all.


Blogger Hippoclites said ... (7:13 PM) : 

Yeah John Paul was pretty incomparable. What do you think of the new guy?


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