Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The President's War on Logic

From the President's speech today:
We were not in Iraq in 1993, when the terrorists tried to blow up the World Trade Center in New York. We were not in Iraq in 1998, when the terrorists bombed our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. We were not in Iraq in 2000, when the terrorists killed 17 American sailors aboard the USS Cole. There wasn't a single American soldier in Iraq on September the 11th, 2001, when the terrorists murdered nearly 3,000 people in the worst attack on our home since Pearl Harbor.
Cheney made a similar argument recently. There are plenty of places the military wasn't when these attacks occurred. It's nonsensical to use previous terrorism as a justification for the invasion—Iraq had nothing to do with any of these atrocities. If anything it reinforces the notion that precious lives and resources have been wasted creating and fighting a nationalist insurgency while the real enemies are still at large.

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