Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Sullivan Not a Conservative

Times Watch, a liberophobic arm of Brent Bozell's MRC , tries to prove Andrew Sullivan is not a conservative. $Q:
He's become a virulent critic of the Iraq War, excoriating Bush for opposing gay marriage, obsessing over the abuses at Abu Ghraib, and slamming the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, among other issues.

Gay marriage aside, all this has nothing to do with conservatism:
  • What principle of conservatism endorses the disastrous foreign adventurism of the Iraq War?
  • What principle of conservatism argues in favor of torture and abuse?
  • What principle of conservatism lauds the smearing of a decorated veteran for political purposes?
Truth be told, Times Watch is arguing Sullivan is not a Republican. There's a distinction between the two terms that Republicans have intentionally blurred since George Bush assumed the Oval Office, and a measure of their success can be seen in the MSM who have followed right along. Democrats shouldn't let the party hacks get away with it anymore.

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