Friday, December 02, 2005

Raw Story: "Phase II is Dead"

Raw Story reports Phase II of the Senate Intelligence Committee's investigation into the administration's use of pre-war intel has once again become bogged down. $Q :

Part of the delay is due to resistance from the Pentagon regarding its ultra-secretive Office of Special Plans (OSP). The group was set up by then Deputy Secretary of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz and Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Doug Feith. OSP was considered by many Defense Department officers and staff to be highly paranoid, secretive cabal of ideologues bent on creating a war with Iraq.

The group was tasked with finding intelligence that fit the administration’s anti-Iraq policy.

Chairman Roberts alone holds subpoena power, but his history of collusion with VPOTUS to maintain secrecy is troublesome; to get any movement, the Democrats will likely have to publicly shame him and the other Republicans on the committee into performing their oversight responsibilities. This is exactly what Sen. Reid did when he invoked Rule 21 and threw the Senate into Secret Session at the beginning of November.

The move was a dramatic shot across the bow, but any attempts to repeat the effort will surely be weaker. Senators who put the interests of the administration above the interests of the electorate are well aware of this—Democrats have to keep coming on all fronts until the truth wins out.

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