Heavy NSA Surveillance of Anti-War Group
From Raw Story. $Q:Allwine also discussed how the Pledge has been infiltrated. She described a March 20, 2003 demonstration in downtown Baltimore where "a provocateur (whom we had identified at our planning meeting the previous night) joined us. We'd never seen him before. . . during the die-in at the federal courthouse, he was taunting the police in a violent manner. We had to quiet him down, he then disappeared and we never saw him again - and, of course, he wasn't arrested with the other 49 of us." It appears the lines between political surveillance and national security have been blurred by the NSA—the revelations make the President's illegal spy program even more troubling. |
Comments on "Heavy NSA Surveillance of Anti-War Group"
Interesting piece. Having an outside disrupter join a peaceful protest group to heat things up and discredit the group is more common than most would realize. It is always disturbing when it happens.
Fortunately, the idiot usually gives himself away quickly by proposing outlandish and/or violent protest tactics at planning meetings.
These hammy over-actors are just the tip of the iceberg though...