Wednesday, January 18, 2006

McClellan Calls Out Gore

From today's White House press conference:

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, maybe he [Gore] has a misunderstanding of the kind of war that we're engaged in. Let me remind people: We were attacked on September 11th in New York and Washington, and some 3,000 innocent people lost their lives. This President's number one responsibility is the safety and security of the American people. He is going to do everything within his lawful power to protect Americans.

If he wants to be the voice for Democrats on this debate over national security, we welcome it

A clear mistake for the White House to keep Al Gore in the news and extend the debate. He's got the facts, the law and the integrity on his side. Gore understands the metaphorical War on Terror has done nothing punish the 9/11 murderers and everything to incite terrorism. He also knows that given a PDB with OBL's name in the title he would have done something.

He bowed to the rule of law when SCOTUS installed Bush, accepting the process that cost him the presidency—one can only imagine his anger at seeing Bush's illegal conduct.

McClellan is underestimating how formidable a critic the former Vice President can be.

Comments on "McClellan Calls Out Gore"


Blogger DocAnt said ... (7:15 PM) : 

No surprise there. Gore is the only "sane" Democrat there is. haha


Blogger Hippoclites said ... (11:12 PM) : 

Hi Tony:

It's a travesty all the comedians rip him to shreds--the guy knows how to craft a powerful argument. Remember when he crushed Ross Perot on LKL?


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