Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Cheney's Leaky Logic

From a speech the Vice President made at a military base today in New York:
"Some have suggested by liberating Iraq from Saddam Hussein we simply stirred up a hornet's nest. They overlook a fundamental fact: We were not in Iraq in September 2001 and the terrorists hit us anyway."

It's more of a fundamental non sequitur than it is a fact. "We were not in" Luxembourg either, but that wouldn't justify a subsequent invasion. A handful of fanatics attacked on 9/11, not a country. The Vice President and his team mistakenly poured jet fuel on the movement and the nation—more specifically the best and the brightest—is continuing to suffer the appalling consequences of their negligence.

Comments on "Cheney's Leaky Logic"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:41 PM) : 

According to this article, Cheney gave a speech before a US military base, also a Republican audience & the conservative American Enterprise Institute, while GWB addressed the US Naval Academy in Annapolis... once again, way to get out there, MEET AND TALK WITH all the people they represent!

It does note that Rummy appeared at the Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Study, criticizing news media coverage as negative...wonder if free questions were permitted, a question - period.


Blogger Hippoclites said ... (12:58 AM) : 

Thanks for ringing in, anon.
You'd think the MSM would get on them about it but it's just the opposite. They're so happy for any crumbs they can gather they lay back whenever they have a rare chance. It's pretty clear The P and VP are mortified by the thought of honest questions from the people they represent


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