Thursday, December 08, 2005

President Cites Pearl Harbor

From an article in the Japan Economic Newswire. After comparing Pearl Harbor to 9/11, this:
'Like generations before us, we're taking the fight to those who attacked us -- and those who share their murderous vision for future attacks,' Bush said.

It is simply untrue that the Iraq invasion had anything to do with taking the fight to the 9/11 murderers. Had that been the goal, the vast resources misused in in Iraq would have been thrown into the Pakistan/Afghanistan area. Had that been the goal OBL would not be at large today. It would have been much closer to reality to say:

'Unlike generations before us, we're taking the fight to those who didn't attacked us"

Comments on "President Cites Pearl Harbor"


Blogger DocAnt said ... (4:20 AM) : 

::bangs head:: WHY WHY WHY??? Why does Bush STILL belives THAT?!


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