Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Gonzales Turns Heads at Georgetown

From ABC. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales tried to put an encouraging spin on his administration's trashing of the Fourth Amendment but students at Georgetown Law School were having none of it. More than a dozen students turned their backs on Gonzales as he spoke, a striking gesture of disgust towards high officials who break the law and attempt to justify it on grounds a first year law student could see through.

There was more noise outside but it wasn't as loud as the silence of the few who chose to register their disdain in a such a profound and powerful way.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Pakistani PM: CIA Report Bogus

From CNN: PM Aziz takes issue with a CIA report claiming another four #2 Al-Qaeda men were killed in the botched air strike in Pakistan. $Q:
"The area does see movement of people from across the border. But we have not found one body or one shred of evidence that these people were there."

White House: Illegal Behaviour an Asset

From the New York Times. The Bush administration is planning a campaign to "take advantage" of their breaking the Fourth Amendment. Lots of the usual to be expected—9/11 ad nauseum with a few "not gonna happen on my watch"'s thrown in for good measure (fortunately for Bush it's considered impolite by the MSM to mention that 9/11 happened on his watch).

The pitch includes a presidential visit to the NSA. It used to be known as "No Such Agency", but now that it's been enlisted as a political prop by the administration there's no real need for them to be so circumspect.

The democrats need to get on message and stay on message: Bush broke the law willfully and repeatedly. He's trying to spin the Constitution, and if he succeeds it'll be another victory for the attackers of 9/11.