Friday, February 17, 2006

Senate Rolls Ever, Plays Dead for Bush

Once again the Senate Intelligence Committee abdicates its responsibility, this time by refusing to investigate the illegal NSA program. Not only is it okay for the president to break the law, it's now fine to let him continue to do so. A huge mistake to give imperial powers to the executive without a whimper and a huge win for the president. From this point forward it will be impossible to hold him accountable for breaking the law: he's just made them all accomplices in the matter.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Helen to Hewitt: Hew Who?

Ramar at Kos has the story and a link to the audio of a conversation between Helen Thomas and Hugh Hewitt. Despite a distinct disadvantage (she has no idea who he is) she quickly sizes him up as a mid-wife for administration misinformation, parries every leading question and slams him to the mat.

Hewitt favors the Hannity method—get the victim to respond to an irrelevant question then speciously tie the answer into a fake argument obsessively crafted before air time. She doesn't fall for it—after a few wry chuckles she realizes she's wasting her time and hangs up on him.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Byrd's Brilliant Blast

Senator Byrd reminds the nation why the Emperor has no clothes in his latest speech. $Q:
And the phrase, "war on terror," while catchy, certainly is a misnomer. Terror is a tactic used by all manner of violent organizations to achieve their goals. It has been around since time began, and will likely be with us on the last day of planet earth. We were attacked by Bin Laden and by his organization Al Qaeda. If anything, what we are engaged in should, more properly, be called, a war on the Al Qaeda network. But, that is too limiting for an Administration that loves power as much as this one. A war on the Al Qaeda network might conceivably be over some day. A war on the Al Qaeda network might have achievable, measurable objectives, and it would be less able to be used as a rationale for almost any government action. It would be harder to periodically traumatize and terrorize the U.S. public, thereby justifying a reason for stamping secret on far too many government programs and activities.

Sadly, his eloquence is likely to sail over the heads of those lost in the cult of personality cultivated by the Leader and his administration. There is no conservative principle they will refuse to jettison, nor liberal principle embrace and vice versa. Whatever George Bush does becomes the party line: foreign adventurism; government intrusion into private affairs; massive deficits—all these have become conservative dogma for those who worship every mangled phrase spoken and misguided policy taken by the man.

Cheney Talks Now, Heard Later

The Vice President, no doubt spooked by the atypical tone recently taken by the normally docile beltway press, has chosen to speak to the nation via thinly disguised republican spokesman Brit Hume of Fox News.

To no ones surprise, the infomercial for Vice's defense of his hunting skills will not be broadcast live. Hume, famous for echoing and amplifying the latest admin talking points, would never take the chance that something embarrassing to his mentors at the White House could slip out inadvertently.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Press Takes Shots at McClellan

Crooks and Liars has the video of the press briefing on the Vice President's weekend accident. The timeline is becoming controversial—why did a private citizen give the news to the local media before the story was officially released? The optics are terrible: sure looks like a cover-up was under way and once the local press was informed the administration had no choice but to pretend that was exactly what they wanted.

It's worth noting that the White House press corps might get a little agitated, but for the most part takes it in stride when they are lied to by the administration (WMD; Rove leak involvement; no wiretaps w/o warrants, etc...) but hit the roof when they aren't the first to hear the distortions. Helen Thomas aside, it's a shame they aren't as passionate about the hunt for truth as they are about their position in the media pecking order.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Cheney's Gift to Comedians

The Vice President was involved in a hunting accident over the weekend, according to Breitbart. Cheney accidentally shot one Harry Whittington, who is currently"alert and doing fine" (not to mention the quail Vice was aiming for).

In other hunting news, it'll be open season on Cheney with the late night comedians.